Lead Shielding For Medical Professionals
Atom Physics Physics
Mar 14 2024

Atom Physics' custom designs lead shielding solutions to ensure optimal protection for both patients and healthcare professionals. By utilizing the high atomic number and density of lead, these shielding solutions effectively absorb and attenuate ionizing radiation emitted by X-ray machines, minimizing exposure risks and maintaining a secure environment within medical facilities.
Always Stay Safe with Atom Physics' Lead Shielding for Medical Professionals!

Pam Arroway is the co-owner of Atom Physics that specializes in X-ray inspection, Shielding Design, Radiation Safety Officer services, X-ray equipment sales, and machine services. We excel in X-ray repair and inspections in Colorado while providing top-notch national solutions for X-ray equipment. Harness the power of Atom Physics with our comprehensive X-ray Machine expertise and services.
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